Inspiration brings coffee to the Kasi

Siki Koffee Kafe

Inspiration is defined as “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something (especially creative)”. Sikelela Dibela saw the beauty in a perfect cup of coffee, inspiring him to go from a dishwasher to barista and eventually owning his own coffee shop. His passion and commitment inspired Siki to bring coffee to his home Kasi, Khayelitsha; Siki’s Koffee Kafe. 

Siki’s Koffee Kafe is an active social hub, attracting entrepreneurs, students, and coffee loving community members of Khayelitsha. The Kafe, which operates out of his mother’s garage, is where he has been introducing high-quality African coffee to the community of Khayelitsha since 2016. It has become more than just a coffee shop and is now doubling as a coworking and event space. 

It was a challenge to get the community to visit the space initially. The community had a very different perspective of coffee compared to him. Most of the people he targeted love the more affordable instant coffee. Drinking the coffee made at Siki’s is a luxury in the community. Siki had to educate Khayelitsha on the joys of a good brew. He chose a well-balanced combination of beans from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Burundi to create his own African blend.

“There is no formula about starting your own business.” says Siki. “Have passion for your craft and have a vision – be the director of that vision and start.” Siki’s entrepreneurial spirit began at Vida e Caffè. He started off as a dishwasher before moving up to barista and eventually taking on a store manager position.

His passion, commitment, and dedication to deliver memorable customer experiences saw him relocate to London to open a Vida E store. He was trusted to train the staff on how to make the best coffee. It was while he was there that he realised that he wanted to be more than just a barista, he wanted to own his own business.

Siki’s Koffee Kafe has a second location in Claremont, with a seating area, a courtyard and a small internet café with a TooMuchWifi Hotspot connection. Siki also owns his own roastery.  

Siki is an inspiration, not only to the community of Khayelitsha, but for everyone who visits Siki’s Koffee Kafe. His dreams of connecting people together over a cup of locally roasted and freshly brewed coffee keeps Siki motivated to continue expanding.