How to buy a TooMuchWifi Hotspot Voucher 

hotspot voucher

Imagine this; you’re walking to your friend’s place and realise your WhatsApps aren’t going through them – you’ve run out of data! Thankfully, all the spaza shops in your area sell TooMuchWifi Hotspot vouchers! You walk into the first shop you pass and buy a 750MB voucher bundle for R10. This will last for at least two days. Your area is covered in TooMuchWifi Hotspot logos so you know you’ll be connected all the way to your friend’s place. You connect to the TooMuchWifi SuperZone and let your friend know you’re on your way! 

Our Hotspots allow anyone to connect to the internet affordably. We have Hotspot locations in every community we serve. You can find a Hotspot SuperZone connection at most local spaza shops, but we have also partnered with restaurants and coffee shops, such as Siki’s Koffee Kafe and Jordan Ways of Cooking, so people can roam the interment while enjoying their meal.

How to use your TooMuchWifi Hotspot voucher:

Step 1: 

Go to your nearest spaza shop. Ask for a TooMuchWifi voucher and buy the data bundle of your choice. 

Step 2:

Turn your wifi on on your phone and connect to TooMuchWifi Superzone.

Step 3:

Login or sign up to TooMuchWifi through the portal. You can sign up by entering your cellphone number and password. If you’ve never logged in before, you can enjoy a FREE 300MB on us!

Step 4:

Select the Hotspot tab and click on “load voucher”. 

Step 5:

Enter your voucher code and click “load voucher”. Enjoy your Hotspot connection! 

Getting connected has never been easier with TooMuchWifi! Want a more permanent connection? Get setup with an uncapped connection! Request an installation or find out more here.