Who is Qaqamba Ntshinka?

The story of Q and TooMuchWifi

Many people assume providing quality internet service is the sum of what we do but that is just the tip of the iceberg. We are a company that mainly focuses on giving back to the communities we serve. Our CEO Tauriq Brown phrases it best “leadership starts by giving back”. We embody this as a company because the company gives back over 30% of its revenue. 

In our previous blog we spoke about how we are rewriting the wrongs of the past by helping Spaza shop owners with branding. Thus because Spaza shop owners had to hide their shops from Apartheid government because they were not allowed to own any at the time. If you want to read more on this click here.

The title of the blog is Who is Qaqamba Ntshinka?, well, Qaqamba is a multi-talented activist, songwriter, singer and poet hailing from Ngcobo in the Eastern Cape in a small village called Nxamagele. Ntshinka moved to Cape Town at the age of three years old, like many Xhosa people, despite being raised in Cape Town others born and raised still regard the Eastern Cape as their home.

This is how she got into music

Ntshinka caught the musical bug at a young age of seven years singing at Sunday school. Through her musical prowess she joined the worship team at the tender age of 12 years. Q as she is known by many only took music seriously only 3 years ago during her time at the Bridges for music academy. 

Q broke into the limelight with her hit song Zizinja that got her nominated for the Basadi in Music awards for the Nandos Emerging artist of the year category in 2023. Despite not winning, making it to the top 5 out 200 contestants was a big accomplishment for the aspiring singer. So far Ntshinka has released 3 singles including Zizinja as her latest. 

Qaqamba has many accolades under her belt such as singing backup for artists such as Mahalia Buchanan. She has opened stages for big artists like Zolani Mahola, Mandisi Dyantyis and Zonke just to name a few. She has performed at the Expresso show and shared the stage with the likes of Dr Dizu Plaatjies and Msaki

Like us, Q also likes to give back

In her attempt to give back to the community that raised her. Ntshinka co-founded the Sonke sessions in Mfuleni that are basically a space for artists to showcase their talent. “We started this space to bring back the art in Mfuleni because Mfuleni used to be a powerful township when it came to art. People would come from other communities like Khayelitsha and Phillippi week in week out to witness art here. We want to reignite that artistic fire and make Mfuleni the home of art again. The first stint if the sessions powered by us took place on the 4th of May this current year. For a quick preview of the scenes click here.

We took Qaqamba on because she is down to earth and has an amazing relationship with the community and a go-getter. The mere fact that she emailed people from the jazz festival to ask to open for industry giants like Zonke, Sjava and Mandisi Dyantyi. This showed her determination and eagerness to make her dreams a reality. That is why when she called us to