Which uncapped line is best for you?
Do you look at the different internet line speeds various ISPs and not know which one you need? We’re here to help you! We’ve broken down what different uncapped line speeds can offer you to ensure you choose the internet option that suits your lifestyle!
A line speed refers to how much data and information can be transferred over the internet at one time. This measures how quickly you can perform tasks online and how many of tasks your network can handle. At TooMuchWifi, we offer a 5Mbps Uncapped Line, a 10Mbps Uncapped Line and a 20Mbps Uncapped Line. This means we offer a variety of speeds depending on what your internet needs are.
Let’s introduce you to them!
First up is our Basic 5Mbps Line. This line speed lives up to its name. This is because you are able to have an internet experience, but quality and speed will be limited. You’re able to share with a maximum of two devices.
You can browse the web, use your favourite social media sites and occasionally download files, such as music and photos. However, streaming YouTube videos or movies can only be done by one user at a time.
Our 10Mbps Line is known as our Standard option. This line allows you to connect three to four devices at a time. This option will give you a broader internet experience.
With the 10Mbps Line, you can work online, make video calls or send long voice notes, browse social media, stream movies and videos without buffering.
Whatever you need the internet for, 10Mbps can do it!
Our Premium 20Mbps Line is for anyone who has a big family or is running a home office because it can connect up to five devices with ease!
If you are uploading or downloading large files, streaming off of various sites at the same time, or gaming online then this option would work for you! If you only use the internet to browse the internet, check social media and send emails. Then this option would be a waste.
Most people will go for this option without realising that they are not using the internet to the capacity the 20Mbps Line provides. This is why TooMuchWifi will always recommend the 10Mbps Line to our customers.
The 10Mbps Line will allow you and your family to have the best internet experience from as little as R299 per month!
If you are still unsure of which option you’d need to have the best internet experience, feel free to call or WhatsApp us on +27 60 016 9434.
Or Request an installation today!