Online safety

Online safety is the ability to understand and recognize threats that exist on the internet, as well as having the skills and knowledge to avoid these threats. Safer Internet Day is a global initiative to raise awareness of online safety issues. Celebrated on 6 February across the world, it is an opportunity to educate young people about online safety risks. These risks include online abuse, how to be safe online and where to go if you are looking for help. 

Connect. Reflect. Protect.

This year, eSafety is encouraging people to take three simple actions when practicing online safety: Connect. Reflect. Protect.  

Connect safely by keeping apps and devices secure and reviewing your privacy settings regularly. Reflect on how your actions online may affect others or your safety. Protect yourself and others by learning how to stay safe online and report online abuse.

We need the internet to function nowadays, but the risks and dangers being online may bring aren’t always considered. Safer Internet Day is a day dedicated to reminding users to take precautions and to teach young people tips to practice online safety. These tips include:

  1. Protect your personal information

Keep personal information such as your full name, address, phone number, and school name private. Only share this information with trusted individuals.

  1. Report cyberbullying

If you are a victim of cyberbullying or witness it happening to someone else, report it to a trusted adult and the appropriate authorities or platform administrations.

  1. Think before you post

Be mindful of what you share online. Once you post something, it’s difficult to erase. Consider the potential consequences of your posts on your reputation and future opportunities.

  1. Use strong passwords

Create strong passwords using a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Use different passwords for different accounts to prevent unauthorised access. 

  1. Protect personal information

Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading files from untrusted sources. Be especially cautious of email attachments or links from unknown senders.

  1. Be cautious with links

Be cautious when making online friends, especially if you haven’t met them in person. Don’t share personal information or agree to meet someone from the internet without involving a trusted adult.

  1. Practice digital etiquette

Be polite and respectful when communicating online, including in emails, chats, and comments. Think before you type, and remember that words can have a lasting impact. 

TooMuchWifi’s contribution to online safety

As an ISP, TooMuchWifi believes in connecting people with affordable internet access. They also believe in teaching people how to be online safely. In partnership with Qhama Music, TooMuchWifi is visiting schools in local communities to educate students on the impact of the internet and the risks it brings if they don’t use it responsibly. 

The team visited Luhlaza High School in Khayelitsha to address the Grade 8s. About 300 students joined the talk hosted by TooMuchWifi and other local partnerships. On the day, Qhama Music shared some helpful tips on how the students can develop the skills and knowledge to avoid online threats. 

TooMuchWifi also sponsored bookmarks with online safety tips on them for the students to take home so they will remember what they can do to be safe and responsible while online.