Bridging the digital gender divide within communities

Bridging the digital gender divide within communities

August marks Women’s Month, a celebration of the resilience, determination, and achievements of women within our country. Notably those who, on 9 August 1956, marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against legislation aimed at tightening the apartheid government’s control over the movement of black women in urban areas. This year’s International Women’s Day theme “Innovation and technology for gender equality” highlights the need to bridge the digital gender divide faced in aspirational communities within South Africa. 

Sub-Saharan Africa has among the widest gender gaps in internet use in the world. According to the United Nations, over 190 million women are not using internet services, specifically mobile. High costs of devices and data plans hinders women and young girl’s educational, economic, and social opportunities. Due to not having internet access and the well of information it provides, women end up suffering. A lack of information results in low levels of literacy and digital skills. This means a wide digital gender divide, and contributes to the digital divide faced in aspirational communities.

TooMuchWifi recognises the digital divide created by expensive internet connection. By having an innovative approach, in providing affordable internet connection, TooMuchWifi ensures women from all backgrounds to access information. Having a more cost effective solution means women can access online resources, education, and economic opportunities. This aligns perfectly with the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day. By bridging the digital divide and empowering women, TooMuchWifi contributes significantly to gender equality in South Africa.

The power of technology is not limited to economic opportunities but extends to breaking gender stereotypes. South African women are dominating the sports industry this year with Banyana Banyana making history by qualifying for the FIFA World Cup knockouts. South Africa’s Netball team, the Proteas, achieved sixth place in the Netball World Cup. These achievements are just an example of how important gender equality is. When women have access to innovation and technology, they are able to contribute to the digital gender divide.

Sports have always played a significant role in empowering individuals and bringing communities together. In South Africa, women’s sports have been gaining momentum, inspiring young girls to dream big and pursue their passions fearlessly. With access to an affordable, fast and reliable internet connection, these dreams and passions are within reach.  

By having a fast and affordable internet connection, women in South Africa are not just spectators but active participants in the digital world. This enables women to foster a more educated and economically advanced society. bridging the digital gender divide faced in aspirational communities.